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What is the first step?

Call David and chat for a few minutes. He will ask you about your voice and will get a sense of your level of experience and development (it's perfectly okay if you are a beginner)!  Also, he will tell you about his background and process and answer any questions that you may have.


What happens at my first lesson?

We begin by explaining to students the fundamental principles that are the building blocks of any great voice and illustrate each of these concepts with our own voice. Through a series of quick vocal exercises, we will determine where the student is in their vocal development and then we begin our work.


How quickly will I see results?

Generally speaking, the expansion of range and the increase in vocal power is something that most students experience fairly quickly. The production of a mature coordinated voice however requires the full development of the upper and lower registers in isolation. This requires some time, dedication and consistency on the part of the student. With that being said, generally speaking, most students see a significant difference in their voices over the first couple months of consistent study.


Will I be able to do this? Can I learn to sing?

If a student can match a pitch, then they will be able to develop and strengthen their vocal registers. Although it is rare, some people are tone deaf and thus they can not distinguish between one pitch and another, in that scenario, it would make it extremely difficult to develop that person’s voice.


Will my lessons change as time goes on?

Yes. As students become more and more advanced, the skill level of the material covered will increase and alter according to what resonates most effectively with that particular student. The content and focus of lessons will change and expand as appropriate with the student’s vocal growth and the kind of material that they are ultimately wanting to master. As you would expect, the student’s stamina will dramatically increase as more is required of their voice and their skill level increases.


What if I need to cancel or reschedule a lesson?

No problem. Naturally, we ask that students be very respectful of the time slots that they have scheduled. With that said, we realize that periodic changes to the schedule are necessary and we will always try to be as flexible as possible. Typically, we coordinate with students any necessary tweaks to the student’s regular schedule a month in advance. But of course, we realize that occasionally unforeseen circumstances arise which require a schedule change with shorter notice. We are happy to accommodate those needs, but with that being said, we do require a minimum of 48-hour notice for any rescheduled lessons, without this notice, the student will be responsible for paying for the missed session.


Does it matter what style of music I ultimately want to sing?

No. Regardless of whether you want to sing pop, rock, metal, R&B, country, gospel, opera, classical, jazz etc. The principles of the human voice remain the same.


How often should I take a lesson?

Many students take one lesson per week. However, some students want to aggressively fast track their advancement and will therefore take two or more lessons per week. Some students take one or two lessons per month.  We typically recommend one session per week for new students. It is first necessary to significantly build the muscle strength of both vocal registers, this requires consistency in the lesson schedule in order to do this effectively.


What methods of payment are available?

Students can pay with cash or transfer payment directly via Zelle, Venmo or PayPal. Any transaction/usage fees related to the use of those payment portals are the student’s responsibility to pay for.


Is the first lesson free?




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